Increasing artifact upload size limit#
If you have upgraded to Anaconda Server 6.6.2
or later and require support for artifacts that exceed 3GB in size, you must update Server to accept them.
How do I know if I need to increase my upload size limit?#
There is a test you can perform to determine whether or not you need to increase your artifact upload size limit:
Open a terminal and connect to your instance of Anaconda Server.
Enter the docker container and count the number of rows in the
tables by running the following command:sudo docker exec -it postgres psql -U postgres select count(*) from routes;select count(*) from blobs; \q
If the count for either value exceeds 2,000,000, you must increase your artifact upload size limit manually.
Increasing the size limit#
To increase the package upload size limit:
Enter your Anaconda Server installer directory by running the following command:
# Replace <INSTALLER> with your Anaconda Server installer directory cd <INSTALLER>
Run the following command:
sudo docker compose exec repo_api /bin/repo update-blob-sizes-to-big-int